The Developmental Research on Emotion and Mental Health in Girls (DREAMING) Study is now recruiting 6-11 year old English speaking girls and their parents. This study aims to understand family (e.g., parent-child relationships) and psychophysiological (e.g., heart rate, respiration) factors in the development of differences in emotion (e.g., anxiety, irritability) in pre-adolescent girls. This is not a treatment study and no specific treatment will be provided. Families will be invited to our research laboratory in the UCLA Department of Psychology (Franz Hall) for a one-time, four hour visit. Participants will be asked to complete interviews, computerized tasks, and standardized measures of cognition, academic achievement, and positive and negative emotions. Parents will complete additional rating scales about family functioning and child development. For complete participation, families can earn up to $100 and they will receive a written report summarizing the results of the child’s cognitive, academic, and clinical assessment. For more information, please contact the DREAMING study at 310-825-0530,