Steve S. Lee

Steve LeeProfessor

UCLA Department of Psychology
502 Portola Plaza, 1285 Franz Hall, Box 951563 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1563
Office Phone: (310) 794-5921

BA (1996), Psychology, University of Chicago
Ph.D. (2004), Clinical Psychology, UC Berkeley
Post-doctoral fellowship (2004-2006), Psychiatric Genetics, University of Chicago

My research uses the principles/methods of developmental psychopathology to understand the etiology of ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders, particularly within the context of longitudinal designs. This work has 3 principle components: (1) Testing gene-environment correlations and interactions for child conduct problems and negative maternal parenting behavior; (2) Identifying predictors of persistence and desistance of child conduct problems, exploring sex differences in antisocial behavior, and developing clinically significant measures of child outcome; and (3) Using translational research strategies to identify strong phenotypes that are impaired across multiple forms of psychopathology.