Julia Morgan

Graduate Student
Clinical Psychology
Email: jemorgan@ucla.edu


Julia Morgan, Ph.D., graduated from the clinical psychology program at UCLA in 2019, mentored by Drs. Steve Lee and Sandra Loo. She received her B.A. in 2010 from Emory University, where she conducted research with Dr. Sherryl Goodman at the Emory Child Study Center. She then worked as a research coordinator at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai before joining the program at UCLA in 2013. Broadly, Julia is interested in elucidating causal mechanisms underlying the development of ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders to inform prevention and intervention efforts. To this end, her research focuses on identifying cognitive mediators of prenatal and genetic influences on ADHD symptoms.

In addition to her research activities, Julia is currently completing her post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where she provides outpatient and inpatient assessment and intervention services for youth, families, and adults. She has previous experience conducting neuropsychological and clinical assessments as well as providing evidence-based treatment in a range of outpatient and community mental health settings, including the UCLA Child and Adult Neurodevelopmental (CAN) Clinic, UCLA Psychology Clinic Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Program, and Providence St. John’s Child and Family Development Center.